how long does it take to cook a turkey

Turkey is one of the tastiest delicious dishes to eat and it is usually roasted in the oven but when we using various methods it may need dissimilar cooking times. So here the following tips will help you to know about how long does it take to cook a turkey.

The different cooking process will take different time to prepare based on “how the breast is prepared and what type of method used to cook the turkey”. The easiest and simplest way to cook the turkey is in oven. Fines if you are looking for the query of how long does it take to cook a turkey? Then you have reached the right place to know about it.

Unstuffed turkey

Unstuffed turkey can be cooked shortly compare to the stuffed turkey. It is necessary to set the temperature at 325 degree in order to cook the turkey well at correct temperature. If it is small breast 2-3 lb the timing will be 1 to 2 hrs. If it is 4 to 6 lb turkey then it will be up to 4 hrs need to cook. You have to test the breast cooking temperature using meat thermometer while it reaches in minimum cooking time. If it attains 170 temps then it is time to take the turkey from oven. You have to wrap the breast by aluminum foil in order to maintain it as of browning too rapidly.


Stuffing the turkey breast enhances the cooking time. If it weight of 7 to 8 turkey breast then it can take 4 hrs to cook entirely at 325 degree. And also the internal temp needs to attain 170 degree prior to get removed as of oven.  These are the cooking time for unstuffed and stuffed one. For more details you can click this magacy.com site about how long does it take to cook a turkey.

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